Damn, there's no chance in hell that i could sum up the few days that we were together, causing chaos everywhere we set foot. Honest to god, i only have this much fun with naomi.
We had such amusing times, and we were out practically everyday, making friends everywhere and biting random idiots who annoyed us. (:
First day, i stayed over at kashini's house, just so i could spend time with michelle.
Headed to OU as soon as i got there, okay maybe not, those people i tell you, take forbloodyever to get ready. Cadavale, banyak headache.
Walked around abit, and abandoned kashini, cos we felt like we were weighing her shopping down.
So we split, and sat in completely random places, for smoke after smoke.
I think in the days that i spent with michelle, i smoked enough to last me till im about 28 ?
I mean, we had at least 30 sticks a day EACH. As i said, LUNG CANCER HERE I COME !
Total bummer, but if i die, michelle's probably coming with meee. So i can dig that.
Anyhowever, we laughed alot as usual, but i still think that last december, where she spent a month staying with me, is the standard for a good time.
I had 500 bucks to spend, and i blew it like 4 days, which is a record, even for me. Spent most of our time at OU or midvalley, which is usually our place. We sat on floors alot, but we didnt lie on any floors, which is quite sad, cos we used to do that alot. I brought her to the bleachers on the OU rooftop, where we sat and sang, but kashini wasnt really into it, so we left.
Theres no possible way i could sum up everything we did together.
But there are many funny random qoutes from the both of us.
We actually got obsessed with the word 'STUMPED.' Roll it around in your mouth and play with the word, its amusing to say.
Somehow, we managed to come up with nicknames for everyone, these funnier than usual.
I am officially AMAMA. Michelle is MACHA. Sam is THAMBI. And Melissa is ANEH.
HAHAHA, its freakin funny, as we attempted the indian accent, which im really good at, but i cant say the same for Michelle, eventhough shes half indian.
Michelle says ; AMAMA ! are you STUMPED ?
And then we went out with rubesh and luqman, which was a laugh, cos i adore the two of them to bits and pieces. And luqman was wearing torn jeans, and we named him our indonesian construction site worker.
then, michelle tries to blow out a candle, and she blows and blows, but it just wont go out !
i cant think much now, im still missing her.
she left today.
i'll stick in all the edits soon.
oh bitchiniaaa, i misseth theeeee.
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