My week has just been made. I am ecstatic.
So i got back from school as normal, and jumped into bed like immediately, i think ive been lacking sleep lately, as im like a walking zombie. And im sleeping like a dead person, and then i get shaken awake at 4pm, by sam and mummy, both yelling at me for some reason my brain could not register. So whatevs.
Then i get a call from iskandar, which made me jump awake, and hes like,
"Heyyy !"
"Hey person who stopped calling me *giggle"
"Oh cmon amanda, it was just a day, and i do miss you, *laugh. I wanna see you !"
"Huh ? When ?"
"Now.. ? Im going to midvalley and youre going to be there too."
"I am ?"
"Well now you are. Go take a shower, and i'll be over in twenty minutes."
So i jumped into the shower, and waited for almost an hour for iskandar and Naomi at a bus stop THAT NO BUSSES COME TO goddammit. Finally decide to take a cab, and head to mid myself. Pleasant cabbie, that was. Iskybunny paid for my cab, and then we headed to brewball, the boy looks so amazingly good, i suhwear.
Met up with Iskys friend, Moe, who is like uber cool mann.
Watched them play pool, and then i bumped into aidil, yes that yummeedeliciouseversoedible aidil. Talked and laughed for abit, then Naomi wanted ice cream, so we walked all the way to baskinrobbins talking about iskandar. It broke my heart to see how different he was compared to that pretty convo we had just a day before. After ice cream we headed back to Brewball where Aidil was kicking Iskys butt so bad. Then aidil came up to me and goes,
"I'm gonna win this one for you babe. *pecks."
And i turned red, hahahaha as a freaking tomato. How would you not, im sure it was the heat anywaaaaaaaay.
After finishing with brewball, i took em to the mamak, and we had our Milo and teh o'aises. Ahh, nothing beats a teh o'ais i tell you.
Naomi had to be back by 8, so we piled into Moe's car, and headed out. Of course, we ended up in bangsar, not knowing how to get to Naomi's. Of course, i saved the day and gave oe the right directions to Naomi's place. I was pretty damn proud of myself, as usually my sense of direction is totally rubbesh. Then it was time to send me home, and i was looking all forlorn in the backseat, all aloney on my owney. And the next thing you know, Iskys phone comes flying and almost hits me in the face. Then he's climbing to the back to sit with me, freaking manis of him. I swear ive missed him so much. How he smells and the way he talks. His little laugh. Ugh god, this boy i tell you.
Talked alot, and he held my hand. But I was pretty hesitant, cos I'm so not willing to go through shit all over again. Ended up laughing at Moe screaming at us, asking for directions. So they sent me home, and Isky really had to pee. So i took him to bathroom by the pool, as hes still terrified of mummy, Heelahrious i swear. (:
And now i dont know what to do anymore.
Araff still has my heart in his pocket, but Isky's slowly inching his way back into my life.
Gosh, so fucking confusing.
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