Thursday, August 14, 2008

Am totally failing math, and history, possibly geography too.
Which isnt good, considering this is my trials.

I think i have the world's worst english teacher, in the history of teachers.
Like, no shit.
She was reading from this passage thingie;
"Nigel mourned his fathers death." Was the sentence.
What she said was,
"Niggerl moaned his fathers death."

I almost, fell off my chair.
She is by far, the stupidest fucking piece of shit i know.

She set the trial papers right, and gave two answers for each question, then she blabs about how its a trick question, and marked me wrong.
I actually did research, and i was right, Goddammit, i could teach her fucking english.

And you, you still think that hes the one you should trust ?
Okay then, go ahead. Its not my heart on the line anymore, its yours.

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