Sunday, November 9, 2008

Howdy. (:

I am a happy, round child.
So shut yer faces. :D

I've been out everyday, running all around KL , hence the lack of updates. The only place we haven't gone is OU, surprisingly enough.
Been eating like a starved piggolette. Which is alot.

Went to KLCC today, and met up with Uncle Urs for tea. Yummy yummy, Chinoz.
I am in desperate need of new books. And we all know I'm about as broke as a homeless junkie, so that was a no go. Or so I thought. Then Uncle Urs gave me a hundred bucks :D.
Yay yay ! Got 'Twisted.' It's pretty good so far, eventhough I'm only at the beginning. Heh.
I'm absolutely dying for Chuck Palahniuks' 'Invisible Monsters.'

Okay, okay. I shuttap.

We were all talking about our younger days, when we were (surprisingly less retarded) a tad more civilized.

Sa : I was 7lbs 4oz, right ?
Momma : 7lbs 2oz.
Me : Me ? Me ?
Momma : 8lbs 4oz.
Chinia : 8 KILO's ? OMG !
Sa : 8 Kilo's you think can come outta your Momma's punani ah ?
Momma : What's punani ?
Momma : Whadt ?


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