Yea, talk about blowing your own trumpet.
Been ignoring my phone all week, simply cos I can't be bothered to talk to anyone.
Besides Chelle, anyways.
We finally decided to scavenge all over for our Christmas decorations.
Christmas honestly brings back so many memories, good and bad.
I've always taken it as a time to reflect on the whole year, and I've been doing just that.
Made me realise all I've missed out on this whole year.
Distance really does take a toll on people, huh ?
Reminds loads about Papa too, cos this time of the year always brought out the best in him (not that he wasn't perfect all the time). Used to sit around, and reminisce over a few bottles of whiskey. Yes, really brings me back, y'know.
Today's been good. Met up with Mama and Daddy at Old Town White Coffee for tea, and talked and laughed, like ol'd times. It was really refreshing, compared to the drunken hazes and heated arguments that usually go down. Talked about Daddy's childhood and all the shit he used to get into(not that he still doesn't get into shit), which left us all gasping for air in hysterics.
I kill for moments like this.
My family is so dysfunctional. (;
Fariz : Have you ever liked, fucked yourself with a friend ?
Me : Fariz, you pervert, that's called SEX.
;; I've got your runaway smile,
and your piggyback baby,
and i'll cash it right in for a new mercedes,
you're worth a hundred thousand miles,
but you couldn't stay awhile.
and your piggyback baby,
and i'll cash it right in for a new mercedes,
you're worth a hundred thousand miles,
but you couldn't stay awhile.
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