Drumroll, please ?
Well, there are less pictures than I remembered, so I honestly can't recall what the hype was about. Haha.
It is now 3.16 in the afternoon, and I'm going to time myself to see how long I take on this post.
As promised, the pictures and the update about my Christmas. (:
24 / 12 / 2008.
Spent Christmas Eve with Momma's side, instead of the usual dinner with the Johnson's. Was actually quite nice. Momma cooked up a storm. I swear, we had enough food to feed atleast 20 people, and I am not the only one who thought so. The smell of food was wafting through the house, and you could practically hear everyones stomach rumbling.
Bummed around for abit, until Uncle Bull and Aunty Bee Yuen came.
I was actually pretty anxious about seeing them, as the last time we saw them was at Fraser's Hill 3 or 4 years ago.
Said our hello's, and I was surprised at how... close they were.
The last time I saw them, they didn't exactly seem keen on seeing us again.

Was texting Zee Man while I was getting ready, and I told him that I was actually wearing a dress. He got so excited that he called, and begged me to take photos for him, thus the trillions of photos on display. (:
Anyone who knows me, even remotely, knows that I will never be caught dead in a dress, unless I am absolute forced to.
So here, Zee Man, from me to you.
Lynette & Nicole, I swear, they are so big now, it's not even funny.
Ohmygod, I'M OLD.
I told you that our Santa was drunk.
And he's also quite mean.
Hilarious nonetheless.
He made everyone kiss him everytime he handed out a present, he even made Jellybean sit on his lap.
That set us off into hysterics.
The things he said, could scar any child for life.
I think Lyn & Nic are better off not believing in Santa, rather than have a Santa like this.
Gotta love Uncle Bibo.
Lynette, getting a present from Demon Santa.
Christmas Tree.
Our cup runneth over.
Aunty Bee, Uncle Bull, Nicole & Me.
Yes, we were very entertained.
Well, there are less pictures than I remembered, so I honestly can't recall what the hype was about. Haha.
It is now 3.16 in the afternoon, and I'm going to time myself to see how long I take on this post.
As promised, the pictures and the update about my Christmas. (:
24 / 12 / 2008.
Spent Christmas Eve with Momma's side, instead of the usual dinner with the Johnson's. Was actually quite nice. Momma cooked up a storm. I swear, we had enough food to feed atleast 20 people, and I am not the only one who thought so. The smell of food was wafting through the house, and you could practically hear everyones stomach rumbling.
Bummed around for abit, until Uncle Bull and Aunty Bee Yuen came.
I was actually pretty anxious about seeing them, as the last time we saw them was at Fraser's Hill 3 or 4 years ago.
Said our hello's, and I was surprised at how... close they were.
The last time I saw them, they didn't exactly seem keen on seeing us again.

Anyone who knows me, even remotely, knows that I will never be caught dead in a dress, unless I am absolute forced to.
So here, Zee Man, from me to you.

Ohmygod, I'M OLD.

And he's also quite mean.
Hilarious nonetheless.
He made everyone kiss him everytime he handed out a present, he even made Jellybean sit on his lap.
That set us off into hysterics.
The things he said, could scar any child for life.
I think Lyn & Nic are better off not believing in Santa, rather than have a Santa like this.
Gotta love Uncle Bibo.

Our cup runneth over.

Yes, we were very entertained.
Enjoyed ourselves to the core.
We put an oversizded bra on Lynette, cos we felt like it.
Had abit of wine, and surprisingly enough, Chelle didn't go all cavewoman on us.
All in all, it was a pretty good night.
And my presents were puhreety awesome.
Mm, money. *grins.
Sat around and talked till about 2, and then everyone headed home.
Hopped into bed with Chelle and talked till we fell asleep.
25 / 12 / 2008.
Got back from church at around 1, packed for Genting and bummed at home till we had to leave for Aunty Karina's house.
Got dressed, and bundled into the car.
It's fun having such a huge family, cos I've got all sorts of eccentric relatives.
Dinner was pretty good, and Timothy is officially my favourite boy ever.
Sat around and talked for awhile, then Chelle & I got bored of just sitting around, so we went to play with the kiddos.
I ended up playing Scrabble with Joel.
I haven't seen that boy in yonks, so we have made a date.
Well, a date for me to kick his bum at Scrabble. (:
Got home pretty late, and konged.
26 /12 / 2008.
Was literally up at the buttcrack of dawn, 6.12 in the morning to be exact. Dragged myself into the bathroom, took a shower and jumped into the car to head over to Grandma's. By the time we got there, I could barely contain my excitement, and my pee.
We were actually supposed to leave at 7, but ended up leaving at like, 11, cos Uncle Bibo fucked up his pants.
Do not ask me how. Sometimes, old people can be so annoying.
Chelle & I jumped into Uncle Bibo's backseat, and we were off to Gentings.
Admittedly, I wasn't looking forward tor the trip as much, cos Momma's side of the family can get extremely judgmental, and I just don't dig that.
Finally got out theme park passes, and practically ran inside.
Was bloody annoyed that everyone and his uncle was there.
And to top it all off, it rained like crazy.
Didn't get to ride anything exciting, the first ride we went on, got us completely soaked.
My poor poor All Stars, I tell you.
And Chelle & I, being the dumbasses we are, didn't bring our smokes with us, so we kept running around the theme park, asking random Chinese guys for smokes. Was actually quite funny la.
Headed back to Awana after we were done, bought smokes. The idiots didn't have Winstons, so were stuck smoking Salem's. Which tastes like balls.
Decided to bunk with Uncle Bibo & Grandma, as they don't really give two flying fucks about what we do as long as we're safe.
Momma decided that we weren't satisfied with the theme park, so she got Sa to call us and tell us not to take our wristbands off.
Chelle had already ripped hers off, so it was rather comical to watch her try and stick it back together, after rummaging through the trash in search of it.
The olds went to Momma's room to see her for abit, and so we had the hotel room to ourselves.
And we, being the idiots we are, took full advantage of the situation.
Which, of course, led to the two of us, sitting in our bra's on the balcony, puffing away as if our lives depended on it.
After everything was settled, we all headed to town for dinner. I am not having chinese food for a loooong looong time.
After everyone was full and round-er, we headed off to the theme park, rubbing our tummies.
Got puhreety bored, as the outdoor theme park was already closed.
After Momma popped some vessels yelling at Chelle & Me, we followed Aunty Bee & Uncle Bull to ride some kiddie rids with the kids.
It was actually pretty fun. I really really like those two old people, they're real funny.
Decided to stalk some poor chap for some smokes after, and sat around outside, and played with vapour. It was fun. Talked to one of the cops there, and amused ourselves to the core.
We have come to the conclusion that we are sakai's. (:
Went back to the hotel, and practically died from exhaustion.
27 / 12 /2008.
Was up at 8 in the morning for breakfast.
Packed up, and smoked ourselves silly again.
Was on the way home by 11.
Now, I need to shower.
So, as you can tell, I had an.. interesting Christmas.
Ash is coming over soon, so I need to be clean, if not she'll be complaining till the cows come home.
I have also made her fall in love with Tonight by FM Static.
Give it a listen, it'll reduce you to tears.
We put an oversizded bra on Lynette, cos we felt like it.
Had abit of wine, and surprisingly enough, Chelle didn't go all cavewoman on us.
All in all, it was a pretty good night.
And my presents were puhreety awesome.
Mm, money. *grins.
Sat around and talked till about 2, and then everyone headed home.
Hopped into bed with Chelle and talked till we fell asleep.
25 / 12 / 2008.
Got back from church at around 1, packed for Genting and bummed at home till we had to leave for Aunty Karina's house.
Got dressed, and bundled into the car.
It's fun having such a huge family, cos I've got all sorts of eccentric relatives.
Dinner was pretty good, and Timothy is officially my favourite boy ever.
Sat around and talked for awhile, then Chelle & I got bored of just sitting around, so we went to play with the kiddos.
I ended up playing Scrabble with Joel.
I haven't seen that boy in yonks, so we have made a date.
Well, a date for me to kick his bum at Scrabble. (:
Got home pretty late, and konged.
26 /12 / 2008.
Was literally up at the buttcrack of dawn, 6.12 in the morning to be exact. Dragged myself into the bathroom, took a shower and jumped into the car to head over to Grandma's. By the time we got there, I could barely contain my excitement, and my pee.
We were actually supposed to leave at 7, but ended up leaving at like, 11, cos Uncle Bibo fucked up his pants.
Do not ask me how. Sometimes, old people can be so annoying.
Chelle & I jumped into Uncle Bibo's backseat, and we were off to Gentings.
Admittedly, I wasn't looking forward tor the trip as much, cos Momma's side of the family can get extremely judgmental, and I just don't dig that.
Finally got out theme park passes, and practically ran inside.
Was bloody annoyed that everyone and his uncle was there.
And to top it all off, it rained like crazy.
Didn't get to ride anything exciting, the first ride we went on, got us completely soaked.
My poor poor All Stars, I tell you.
And Chelle & I, being the dumbasses we are, didn't bring our smokes with us, so we kept running around the theme park, asking random Chinese guys for smokes. Was actually quite funny la.
Headed back to Awana after we were done, bought smokes. The idiots didn't have Winstons, so were stuck smoking Salem's. Which tastes like balls.
Decided to bunk with Uncle Bibo & Grandma, as they don't really give two flying fucks about what we do as long as we're safe.
Momma decided that we weren't satisfied with the theme park, so she got Sa to call us and tell us not to take our wristbands off.
Chelle had already ripped hers off, so it was rather comical to watch her try and stick it back together, after rummaging through the trash in search of it.
The olds went to Momma's room to see her for abit, and so we had the hotel room to ourselves.
And we, being the idiots we are, took full advantage of the situation.
Which, of course, led to the two of us, sitting in our bra's on the balcony, puffing away as if our lives depended on it.
After everything was settled, we all headed to town for dinner. I am not having chinese food for a loooong looong time.
After everyone was full and round-er, we headed off to the theme park, rubbing our tummies.
Got puhreety bored, as the outdoor theme park was already closed.
After Momma popped some vessels yelling at Chelle & Me, we followed Aunty Bee & Uncle Bull to ride some kiddie rids with the kids.
It was actually pretty fun. I really really like those two old people, they're real funny.
Decided to stalk some poor chap for some smokes after, and sat around outside, and played with vapour. It was fun. Talked to one of the cops there, and amused ourselves to the core.
We have come to the conclusion that we are sakai's. (:
Went back to the hotel, and practically died from exhaustion.
27 / 12 /2008.
Was up at 8 in the morning for breakfast.
Packed up, and smoked ourselves silly again.
Was on the way home by 11.
Now, I need to shower.
So, as you can tell, I had an.. interesting Christmas.
Ash is coming over soon, so I need to be clean, if not she'll be complaining till the cows come home.
I have also made her fall in love with Tonight by FM Static.
Give it a listen, it'll reduce you to tears.
;; I recognize the way you make me feel,
it's hard to think that you might not be real,
I sense it now, the water's getting deep,
I try to wash the pain away from me,
away from me.
it's hard to think that you might not be real,
I sense it now, the water's getting deep,
I try to wash the pain away from me,
away from me.
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