First off, ain't my Momma gorgy ? (:

This was the same day that Jeremy left for Singapore, so to distract herself from missing the boy, Sa made everyone play Monopoly. And Sa, being the complete moneyface she is, obviously was very excited by her winnings, and planned to buy CharSiewPao with it. Sasa, Sasa, tsk.
Sat there for almost an hour, watching Sa giggle, snigger, snort and yelp everytime she won a dollar, or lost a dollar. Man, she is so fat & funny, you can't help but laugh at her antics. (:
Old lady, old lady.
Very punny.
Now to the dinner lastnight.
How it started out, in the toilet, at the Curve.
My camera is pretty damn shitty, as it's attached to my phone.
I should be more careful with my phones, I swear.
Drowning my N73 was the dumbest thing I've ever done, no doubt.
My pictures have never looked better than in my N73. Bloody depressing lah, ugh.
Like, Chelle & I wanted to go get smokes, so we were going to 7Evelen, and we had to pass by Daddy & Uncle Bibo at the bar. Daddy called us to the bar, and asked us where we were going, so we told him we needed to go some stuff.
Daddy pulls out his Clorets and holds it out to us saying,
"Take this for your throat."
So I said, "No. That's gross and it doesn't help."
"I know, but it covers up the ciggarette smoke smell. *laughs."
"Tsk, shuttup la, Dy. You're such an idiot. *giggles."
I swear, he kept making shitty jokes all night, you couldn't help laugh at him.
He also had a huge rip in his jeans, you could see his bum !
No, it's not the lighting, he's really that red, I promise. He had like, one glass of beer, and he was all giggly and drunk, like a little girl. He kept laughing at everything we said, even the names of the food.
But this is my Mama. She wasn't in the best of moods, but I made her laugh numerous times.
Yay me ! *bigcheesygrin.
Grandma Flora, from the picture above. She's awake this time, and very unsure about what to do with her face.
After I took the picture, she said I lied, cos there was no flash.
These old people, I tell you.
She's always accusing me of lying, and then coming to cekik me. Grr.
Except for when I had to pee.
Which was was practically every 10minutes.
So, lastnight, very very fun.
Beginning of the night was pretty rough, but it smoothened out towards the end.
I swear, we were the loudest people there, I kid you not. But whats new, right ? We Eurasians have this tendency to shout.
I'll explain why;
Cos, we all talk at once, so everyone ends up shouting to be heard.
Simple innit ? Hah, thought so.
Had yummy yummy food, and stole ties from waiters. Samala now has a Bart Simpson tie. They made Samala stand on the chair, and give a speech. Like what they did for me at Bubba Gump (the birthday song at Bubba Gump was way fucking catchier, thumb wiggle promise). So at the end of the night, we all left round, happy, and giggly. Well, drunk too, but that was just Uncle Bibo.
Came home. And Samala stuck her fingers into the cake.
Nobody else had any appetite to eat after dinner. The lot of us, wobbling around, I swear, we would've gotten around faster if we rolled, *bigcheesygrin.
Love you, Samala.
Moving on. Today, we were all at MidValley.
Why ? Cos we practically fucking live there.
I don't dig shopping, it's just not my thing. So while they tried on stuff, I sat on the floor, and wallowed in selfpity, only to receive an awesome cheermeup message from Helmi. Text him the whoe day through. When Sam & Chelle we finally done, we bopped along to FOS, where we amused ourselves silly, trying on the cutest tees. I actually only enjoy FOS, so shut yer faces.
The damage we did ? Oh, it's not a pretty number.
Wanted to dump our stuff in the car, as we're lazy like that, yo. Met up with Momma so I could get the keys. Thought everything was all fine and dandy, till we got lost. Well, not lost lost, but we couldn't find the car for shit. I swear, we walked around the carpark for over half an hour, and we still couldn't find it. This Indian couple were following us around, thinking we were going to leave. But in fact, we weren't, we were just lost. So he gave us pointers on how to find our car.
What a niiiiiice indian man. I would've hugged him, but I was kinda scared. Found the car, after inhaling enough carbon monoxide to kill a person.
Finally found the car, and we decided that we earned atleast one smoke, after running away from lizards, pushing a trolley around a carpark for over half an hour, running around looking for Momma, hiding from scarypotentialstalkers in the backseat, and waving off people who thought we were leaving. Atleast it wasn't the same old boring trip to MidValley.
After the whole car incident, Chelle needed to pee.
And guess who stalked me right into the bathroom ?
Ash ! And I have been introduced to the loves of her life, Misha & Jo. *bigcheesygrin.
Who's stalking who now, huh ?
Missed you, hon. It was good seeing you today.
I am now broke, but happy. I have also run out of space in my cupboard, not that there was much space to begin with.
I swear, even a anorexic chick couldnt fit into my cupboard it's so small.
Which probably means I need new clothes. I practically live in my skinnies. Hah.
Oh oh oh, I finally got my hoodie. And i was so excited I put it on straight away, it's so huge I swear. It's so colourful, it makes me happy. *smiles.
Now, I am bored.
And I need a smoke.
I haven't had one since I started this damn post.
;; heartstrings, youre tugging at,
my heartstrings, my heartstrings,
helpless, I have become so helpless,
to your touch, oh, touch me somehow,
restless, you leave me restless,
breathless, wait for me.
my heartstrings, my heartstrings,
helpless, I have become so helpless,
to your touch, oh, touch me somehow,
restless, you leave me restless,
breathless, wait for me.
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