I love Sting, he's adorable, and he likes to play with me.
I'm not exactly Maxine's biggest fan, cos she always tries to freakin eat me !
From dinner at Godpa's the other night.
Ya'll know I'm ever the procrastinator, but shuttup, cos the pictures are here.
I'm not exactly Maxine's biggest fan, cos she always tries to freakin eat me !
From dinner at Godpa's the other night.
Ya'll know I'm ever the procrastinator, but shuttup, cos the pictures are here.
The one thing I don't enjoy about Christmas is the shopping.
I mean, I'm not trying to sound like a total priss bitch, finding fault with everything that happens. but anyone who knows me, even remotely, would know just how much I despise shopping, Chelle especially. Everytime she tries to drag me off to shop, the exact words that come out of my mouth are,
"I hate you. Like seriously, I despise you. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY ??"
I'm gonna, undoubtedly, going to enjoy everything else, for sure.
Christmas with Momma's side of the family, Boxing Day with Daddy's side.
(: I've already started bracing myself for insanity.
Christmas every year is when everybody in my family goes crazier than usual, and it's very welcomed. Even Momma drinks !
Mm, I'm looking forward to all this havoc, one of the family events that I actually look forward to, haha.
Wow, nights are bleak. I am not liking this. I have nothing to do with myself.
Went to Amcorp just now, cos Momma needed to buy a goingaway gift for her boss, so it's we went jewelry shopping. I dig white gold, foreal. I don't really like gold, I think it's kinda.. ugly, but that's just me. I like silver. Anywhoo, Sa & I were talking,
Sa : I want this ! *points to 40,000 dollar bracelet.
Me : If I ever get married- no wait, scratch that, if love ever finds me, since it's gotten lost so many fucking times, I want this ring. *points to sapphire studded ring.
See how all this neglection affects me ? Yea, I'm getting a kid, then I'm gonna handcuff it to me, so it will never ever leave. (:
Was with Amy the other day, and he kept telling me about all sorts of funny stories about his friend who can't read. It was so funny, everyone at the mamak kept looking at me gasping for air.
"I'm sorry, I am not vegetable with you."
Okay, hi.
Ooh, I've got a date tomorrow. (;
Hoyea, told ja I still have my charm, bitches.
Saravanan thinks I could rule the penis world.
But no, I'm too nice for that.
I just wanna rule the world, foreal.
Oh, and Za, get better soon, love.
I need you to kick ass at your performance, and hurry up and build your studio.
Recording time for us. (;
Za : When I'm healed, we go for picnic okay ?
Me : Yay ! Okay. (:
Za : You prepare the picnic basket.
Me : Do you have some sort of death wish ?
Yes, I am hopeless.
;; this is me with the words
on the tip of my tongue,
and my eye through the scope,
down the barrel of the gun,
remind me not to ever act this way again,
this is you trying had to
make sure that you're seen,
with a girl on you arm,
and your heart on your sleeve,
remind me not to ever think of you again.
on the tip of my tongue,
and my eye through the scope,
down the barrel of the gun,
remind me not to ever act this way again,
this is you trying had to
make sure that you're seen,
with a girl on you arm,
and your heart on your sleeve,
remind me not to ever think of you again.
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