So, Chelle left me yesterday, and Za left me today.
So I'm trying my hardest to distract myself and not to look as shit as I feel. I actually feel pretty lost, in my own house. Wow.
Mm, yea, am still pretty bummed. Tried to take my mind off things by blogging for like 4hours yesterday and talking to Firdy. Turns out he's abandoning me too, the kid might be moving to Dubai for a few years to take up a job offer. I'm gonna miss that furball.
My current class, is filled with tonedeaf, hawkershop decibel imbeciles. They're so goddamn illiterate, it's not even funny anymore. Am rather reserved and quiet at school, so noise tends to annoy me. Submitted my appeal of transfer, but it's still unanswered, so am anxiously waiting.
The house feels pretty empty. I know I keep going on and on about all this, but it just really sucks dead dog dick. I actually asked Momma if we could adopt Chelle. *bigcheesygrin.
Spent an hour trying to remember the prices of the things I bought with Chelle. If my estimations are right, I spent over 1000bucks in the last two months. I am definitely going to miss not giving a shit. Heh.
Come home, Bitchy. You are missed.
Lunch with Kat and Gee was really good, didn't realise how much I've missed them.
Za's gone to the UK to deal with some stuff, and sadly I couldn't go with him. It's gonna be weird not talking to him everynight. Imma miss you, boy.
Everybody is leaving me. Ugh.
My skin keeps peeling and its annoying me. I told you Zee Man, you do and I pain. You spend godaloneknows how many hours in the sun, and now I'm the one with sunburnt skin.
Started drawing all over myself again, it's a subconcious thing. Lyrics on the back of my hand, and hearts on my wrists. Today's is :
'Things just wwont do without you,
matter of fact, I want you back.'
Very appropriate. Oh, and Natt is back, so the psychotic sleepover is on !
p/s : i dont play games, its gotten old. I dont like people who play games either. I know ill wonder, but this is something I have to do.
pp/s : "I love you" ? No, I am not falling for that.
;; there's a burning in my pride,
a nervous bleeding in my brain,
and peace is all I want for you,
will you never call again ?
a nervous bleeding in my brain,
and peace is all I want for you,
will you never call again ?
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