Sunday, February 8, 2009

I swear, someone could come up to me and attempt to to stick a grenade in my mouth, I would still be ecstatic, and pissing my pants.
You know why ?
You know why ?
You know why ?
You wanna know why ?

You know how orgasmic-ly awesome that is ?
Cos I do.

Okay, so this year's lineup aint as good as lastyears, but lets be realistic, puhreety much nothing can top Incubus. (:
Am totalleh looking forward to seeing Joe again, though.
Oh oh, Sa & I are gonna be on our own ! (:

I'm PMS-ing like a bitch, I tell you.
But, on the bright side, I'm watching Alvin & The Chipmunks.
So cuuuuute. (:

p/s : I am so over all this.
pp / s : I'm killing myself for a dog. I waaaant one so bad. I miss my big baby laa.
ppp / s : No, I dont do Valentines. (:

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