Thursday, February 5, 2009

Once they shove religion in your face, society doesn't have the balls to look past that.

Wow, blogging no longer feels like something I wanna do. It feels like an obligation.
But it's prolly cos I'm just so damn tired.
And my toes are numb. Fabulous.

Been texting Arai everyday, just cos I miss him (:
Getting in touch with the people who had fallen off the face of the universe (not that I helped much, with my shitty skills and keeping intouch), is funn. (:

Being on the field everyday, has not as such helped my skin much.
I am now as dark as night, joy unbounded.

Saw Kaney yesterday (and yes, I totalleh nicked his watch again).
He told me to stop disappearing.
I admittedly have lots a few kgs since the new year, but nothing I'm happy with yet.
So, sorry honey. (;

I miss Ash laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Hesh. ):

p/s : holy shitcakes, you are repulsively pathetic ! (:

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