FINALLY, a decent picture.
We were happy with this one.
(nudge nudge, wink wink)
He picked me up at 1ish, and we listened to Bloc Party on the way to MidValley.
And because I am so freakishly awesome, I brought him Fight Club, with a promise that I would pass American Beauty to him the next time.
After like 3minutes of parking, we forgot where we had parked.
Had initially planned to take a picture of the parking bay, but of course, I forgot.
Walked around for abit, and then sat outside and smoked.
I tried to educate him on what a rempit looked like.
Very very funny.
I taught him the thumb wiggle ankle shake. (: In McDonalds, while we were sitting down.
Promise, not as complicated as it sounds.
I swear, we sat at the Raden staircase for over half an hour, just talking.
(dont ask about the raden staircase, seriously)
Our date, pretty much consisted of sitting around, talking and laughing like two weedies.
It was amazing. (:
When we were about to leave, we realized we had no clue where we had parked. At all.
Paid for parking, and took a ride on as what he calls, 'Stairs.'
In the real world, they are called escalators.
But each to his own.
Found the car, hopped in and started taking pictures.
Finally decided to leave the carpark 15minutes later.
On the way home, I told him all my 'Yo Momma' jokes;
"Yo momma so fat, when she closes her eyes, her eyelids clap."
"Yo momma so fat, she had more chins than the chinese phone book."
"Yo momma so fat, when she went to the store and asked for a waterbed, they threw a blanket over the Atlantic ocean."
"Yo momma so fat, when she jumps into the sea, the whales start singing we are family."
How could you not love me ?
Not so much your mom though..'s now 7.05pm, and it's time for us to go for dinner. (:
p/s ; eskimo kisses.
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