The deprivation of sleep was totally worth it.

I didn't even realise Gabs took a picture.
Hoyea, I donned the Kate Moss, baybee.

Jagermeister !
Our asses are so huge, you could land a fucking plane on it.
She lives in Zimbabwe, and is a volunteer at an AIDS organisation.
Spent ages talking to her about it, cos I wanna do missionary work either there or in Africa.
Fucking ace singer, I tell you !

Gabs, Paver & Chloe tossed all their shit in my bag.
I swear it looked like I had a freaking African Nation hidden in there.

Paver doesn't fucken eat dude, she fucken devours !

24 / 04 / 09.
Decided to skive off school, cos nothing really goes on in school anymore. Got Momma to send me over to Chlo's at 3ish. Was totally looking forward to a few days away from her as she was driving me absolutely mental. Bummed around abit before heading to Plaza Damansara cos I needed to get smokes. Didn't wanna take a cab, so we called Gabs and Alice asking if they could pick us up on the way over to Chlo's. I always knew I was bad at directions, but I never knew to such an extent.
Paver/Gabs. Me. Chlo.
"Cross the road, and when you see with a pond with turtles, and wait there."
"Um, excuse me ? A pond ? With turtles ?"
"Okay, we've crossed the road, but there is no pond. AND NO TURTLES."
"I'm actually intrigued. I've lived here for like 6years, and I've never seen a pond with turtles."
"I actually think they're lying."
"But we're not ! There's actually a pond with turtles !"
"Paver, are you lying to me, and watching us walk up and down from your car, and laughing your ass off ?"
After about 10minutes of walking around looking for the pond with turtles (which we never found, by the way !), Pavers' momma found us, and we hopped into the car. Gabs was in the back, and when we reached Chlo's place, I told Pavers' mom that she could keep her.
Hopped into the shower, and then waited for Justin and Satish. They were actually supposed to come earlier to take Chlo and I out for abit, but they got held up at a meeting.
Set up the plans for the rest of the night, and believe it or not, we didn't get a place to stay.
Headed back in after having a smoke with the boys, and started getting dressed.
And whilst deciding what to wear, we had fucking hilarious conversations;
Paver. Gabs. Chlo. Me.
"I wanna wear this, but it's not like revealing enough."
"Oh my, Chlo. Don't wear that then !"
"Tsk, if you did, you'd be a total tramp."
"Dude, can you imagine if it was like, totally opposite. Like the more covered up you are, the bigger the slut you are. And the skimpier you dress, the more modest you are."
"Shit, I'd be like, the most modest person in school."
"Yea, and I'd be a fucking nun tonight."
"I ripped the dress !"
"How ?"
"My ass is so fat."
"Dude, my ass is so huge, you could land a fucking plane on it."
"Ohmygod. I just realised that the 'ninjas' would be like, whores !"
Got well tarted up, and went to pick Mina up. Who was like, so covered up, which set the four of us into a huge fit of giggles. Met up with Trett, Sam and Nindy.
Talked to Nindy about the exboyf that we both share, and how she just needs to get over all the shit. Decided that after having our heart broken by the same boy so many times, it was time to express the freedom.
So what did we do ?
We kicked off our shoes, and ran around the fountain, ciggies in hand, and giggling.
Headed to the karaoke place, cos the boys wanted to show off some skills, which ended up with all of us in stitches.
After about half an hour, Lewis calls and drama erupts. After a few heated arguments and alot of profanities, Tretter took Nins home, by this time, Scott and his cousin Kayla arrived.
Tretter, Adam, Afzaa and Nads came, and then we headed off to Poppy.
The girls got hungry, so we headed to the nearby mamak. Talked about the most random things, and arm wrestled. It was fucking hilarious seeing the reactions of the people at the mamak when 4 chicks walked in dressed to fucking kill. I swear, Paver just swallowed her roti canais.
Called Satish, and headed into Poppy. Adam was my date for the night, and the boy is fucking great.
Got a coupla pitchers and a bottle, and as Satish says,
"Bloody alcoholics, drink like fucking fish la !"
Didn't wanna drink too much at Poppy, as we were on Tasha's guestlist at Barclub, and were getting free bottles.
Got another friend, Danial in, and talked to Adam for ages.
Poppy was pretty dead, so we decided to head to Barclub. Which was such a fucking disappointment, cos it was fucking empty.
Hopped into yet another cab, and made our way to Werner's on Changkat, and spent the rest of the night there. The others hadn't arrived yet, so it was Adam, Danial, Trett, Gabi and I. Sat around laughing over a few drinks.
The girls finally arrived, and we got another bottle.
Werner's hadn't filled up yet, so the atmosphere was very comfy, and it made it so much easier to talk.
The place started filling up at 1ish, and then we went fucking apeshit.
Bumped into Adieb, Tharique and a few other people.
And guess who came ?
Decided to spend some time with John, as I hadn't seen him in ages. Walked to 711 for some smokes. Sat down somewhere quiet for abit, and talked things out for like half an hour. That hearttoheart really did me good, babe. And you know I love you, yea ?
Headed back to Werner's and danced till it closed.
We totally forgot to find a place to stay, so I figured why not just stay with Justin.
Chlo, Gabs and Paver decided to head home with Afzaa, so Trett, Adam and I waited for Satish and Justin to come pick us up. The plan initially was for us to head to Subang, and then back to one of their apartments, but everyone was way too tired, so they dropped us off at Adams place.
Had to be really quiet, cos by the time we got back, it was already 5ish. Adam pressed his fingers to his lips, and everybody in the world knows that that's the universal sign for you to shut the hell up right ?
And what does Tretter do ?
He throws his shoes on the floor and goes, "WHAAADT ?" at the top his voice.
So fucking hilarious, I tell you.
Had to run into the house co the alarm was on, and it took everything in me not to scream when his dog started barking. I swear, I got the shock of my goddamn life.
Hopped into Adams' bed, which was fucking orgasmic. I swear, I have never been in a better bed in my life. He's studying sound engineering, so his room has got like monstrous speakers and the works, which I was so tempted to play with, but my better judgment took ahold of me.
25 / 04 / 09.
Got to sleep at about 8ish, and was rudely awoken by Tretter at 10.20.
"Morning Manda, *wiggles eyebrows."
"Ohmygod, Trett. GET OUT !"
Lolled about in bed for abit, talking to the boys before Trett decided to take a shower.
Once he was done, he wouldn't stop irritating me, so I tried to kick him off the bed, numerous times. Ah, I love you, Tretter. I'm gonna fucking miss you when you go !
The two boys were hungry so they went downstairs to make breakfast. Took a shower, and realised I didn't have anything to wear, and I couldn't exactly go down dressed the way I was, when Adams' momma was downstairs. Being the genius I am, I called Trett and told him to tell Adam that I needed a shirt.
Headed downstairs for breakfast, which smelt so damn good.
After sitting down, I realised that I hadn't eaten anything since a slice of bread for breakfast the day before, and I was ravenous.
Tretter eats like a damn pig, it's kinda funny to watch. He literally just shoved his sandwich into his mouth, and let the eggs drip right down to his elbows.
After breakfast, he headed over to Afzaa's to see Gabs, so it was just Adam and I.
Talked abit more before walking towards the main road to catch a cab, he walked out without shoes on, and I was wearing his tshirt. How fun.
Jumped into a cab, and headed over to Chlo's.
Bummed around abit, and helped her pack. Got Justin and Satish to pick me up at 4ish.
Chlo, I miss you so fucking much already !
Got home, and jumped into the shower. Unpacked and cleaned my room.
(I have this bad habit, that if I stayed over at a friends place for a night, I'd have to clean my room when I get back. Even if it's already been cleaned. And I'm talking about sweeping, mopping, and all that jazz. Yes yes, OCD.)
Headed over to Mama's place cos Aunty Sheila is down from Penang. Was way too fucking exhausted, and almost fell asleep on the floor.
Got home at 12ish, and went straight to bed. Believe it or not, I couldn't get to sleep till 2.
26 /04/ 09.

I can't wait till you get back in July ! Ugh, I miss you so much already !
Love you shitloads, bestfriend.
Was up at the buttcrack of dawn, and headed to church. Oh, I swear, I could've fallen asleep in the shower.
Met up with Nindy before class, for our usual Sunday morning smoke & redbull.
Talked for fucking ages, sorting things out, we didn't even realise how late for class we were.
Headed over to Satelite after getting a text from Ash, telling me she was there. Surprise, surprise !
Micheal and Brian were there, and I hadn't seen them for fucking ages, so it was really good catching up.
Headed into class half an hour late, and I was on total sugarhigh from the 3cans of redbull I drank. Unfortunately, it was also having a fun time sloshing about in my bladder.
Stupidfuckingwhale wouldn't let me pee. Ugh, one day I'm gonna fucking stab her in the face.
Hopped into the car, andd stopped at OldTownWhiteCoffee cos Sam, as per usual, was hungry.
Came home, and have been doing nothing productive except talk to Mon.
"Why the fuck would he talk to her like that if he has the nerve to use you like that and then HURT her with that info ? Ugh, he belongs in a fucking hellhole with my grandmother nagging him."
"BAHAHAHAHAAH, MON. WHAT THE FUCK ? HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA. Dude, you are so fucking weird !"
... it's now 7.20pm, and I have yet to shower. Ughh.
I'm way too fucken lazy for my own good.
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