Mocha and Milo are so fucking cute.

Unfortunately, no Aiman in the pictures.
Fav shot of her, EVER.

I love this chick.
I'm so exhausted, I could hibernate. but since I am amazingly awesome beyond comprehension, I won't cos I've got a shitload to update on, and knowing me, if I don't do it now, my procrastinator tendencies will get the better of me.
22 / 05 / 09.
Dragged myself to school, only to have a surprise visit from Chello, asking me to head over to Inked with her. Totally blanked that I had planned on going, and quickly made plans with her. Got Dy to pick me up at 10ish, cos I couldn't be arsed to stay in school.
Aiman and Chello picked me up at 2ish, and then headed over to Kai Lin's house. Played with her ahdorable doggies while waiting for Chello to get ready. Headed over to the studio, and was so excited about seeing Babelia, I was practically pissing myself. Met Sharon and Benny, and had our shots taken.
Picked KaiLin up after we were done, and headed over to Pyramid to grab a bite at the Pancake House. I swear, the Caesar Salad there is divine. KaiLin wanted to get her belly pierced, and watching it was so goddamn disgusting. Ughhh.
Decided to head back to the studio to bum with Babelia. Hilarious conversation on the way over.
Aiman. Me. KaiLin.
"Omg, I have to sit like a pregnant woman."
"Wait, I sit like you !"
"Eh, for wha-"
"AIMAN ! Step on it, the babies are coming !"
"Who the baby daddy ?"
After hysterical giggling the whole ride over, we finally got to the mamak next to the studio. Sharon invited us to head to MOS with them that night, and the idea of it was much more appealing than going home, so I called Dy.
Daddy. Me.
"Dy, I'm gonna be staying at Michelle's tonight, and I'm not going to school tomorrow, okay ?"
"Um okay. Don't do anything that I wouldn't."
Dy, that leaves me a fucking heeuge scope, y'dig ?"
"Idiot. Love you and stay safe."
Headed back to KaiLins house to get dressed. After the heat, the shower was bloody orgasmic. Borrowed KaiLins pink top, and waited for Aiman. I felt bloody uncomfy wearing pink, cos it's not even considered a colour to me. Reached the studio at 10ish, played a lil pool before walking to MOS. On the way over, these two old guys in a Merc slowed down and screamed out the window.
Old chinese guy. Old indian guy.
"Hello beautiful ladies. Need a ride ?"
"You girls are HAWT !" (Yes, pronounced like that.)
Babelia was not amused. She's such a sweetheart, I tell you.
Headed into MOS, and straight for the smoking area. Bumped into Nazreen and Bubu almost immediately, hand't seen them both since Sunburst, so it was good bumping into them. Bumped into Nigel no more than 5minutes later, and talked for a little while. One of the highlights of my night, was bumping into Michael and Naveen. Michael swept me into this huuuuge bearhug, and Naveen joined in. Hadn't seen them in forfuckingever, so catching up put a biiiig smile on my face.
After having a few ciggies and drinks, we decided it was time to go bootyshake. After a coupla hours, Babelia wanted to grab a bite so we headed over to the nearby mamak, had a few ciggies and just talked. I think it's been well over a year since we've actually talked, so a long bitching session was well overdue. Ended up having to pay for everything in coins, cos we were both hella broke. Headed back to MOS with Max.
Me. Max.
"Shit la. I have to pee like a fucking horse."
"*dies laughing*"
Had to walk off the dancefloor at one point, cos this foul smelling dumbfuck thought it's be attractive to grope me as a pickup line. Turned around, made sure he was strerile, and said, "I'm not sure which country you're from, but that's not how we say hi here."
Bummed outside until MOS closed, and then headed to the steps and talked. Chello and Aiman were heading back to KaiLins place, so I jumped into the car with Benny, Sharon, Babelia and Raymond. Sent Babelia and Raymond home, then headed back to Benny&Sharons place in Mont Kiara.
Only managed to get to sleep at 7ish.
23 / 05 / 09.
Was awoken by the sweet smell of ciggies wafting through the door, and stumbled out in a haze. Grabbed a ciggie, and watched a movie with Max. Took a shower, and headed over to the studio.
They were hungry, so we grabbed a bite. Chello and Aiman dropped off my stuff, and then they headed home. Bumped into Shivani's momma at the studio, which was great cos she's so cute. Did some catching up till Sharon's sister sent me home at 3ish.
Got a call from Khal asking if he could come over. Bummed with the gorgeous boy till almost midnight. Ah, the boy's a sweetheart.
Got home after a worried call from Mama, and practically died on my bed.
24 / 05 / 09.
Woke up at 11.45 to the TV blasting. Rolled about in bed, hoping to fall back asleep. Gave up when Adam called, asking if we were still on for lunch.
Got showered, and caught a cab to Bangsar. Bitchy called, so I talked to her the whole ride over. Walked in after my ciggie to find Adam standiing there, turns out he'd been waiting for over an hour.
Headed to Chili's for lunch, and spent two hours just talking. Finally caught a cab back to his place. I love Adam's house, I swear. Chilled out till about 6ish, before catching a cab home.
Fucking cabbie tried to rip me off, and asked for 60bucks.
Told him to go fuck himself, and threw 2o at him.
Aunty Karina and Aidan came over for a swim and a movie.
Headed to MidValley, and watched Night At The Museum 2, which was pretty cute.
Headed home, and crashed.
25 / 05 / 09.
Woke up at the buttcrack of dawn for Confirmation Class, and got showered. Still felt like a fucking zombie, and looked like a fucking trainwreck. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of my Sunday morning ritual.
I honestly can't remember what I did on Sunday, so fuckit.
26 / 05 / 09.

She's such an idiot.
I love you, wifeeehhh.
Dragged myself out of bed, yet again, and got dressed for school. I still felt like hell, and my eyes were bloodshot, so on top of feeling like shit, I looked like a hardcore junkie.
Slept through the first 5periods, and then found out how badly I bombed in my papers.
Fran and Khal came over for a swim. I've been spending so much time with Fran that I feel like we're joined at the hip, I tell you.
Sat around and smoked ourselves silly. (When I say we, I mean Fran, cos Khal won't let me smoke around him.)
We got tortured by Craig, the demon child, yet again.
This time, instead of threatening to send me to hell, he tried to kill me with his slingshot.
Sat around the pool till about 10ish, just talking and laughing like baby hyena's on weed.
Made friends with these Iranian people in the pool, who kept calling Khal "Badman."
The idiot PICKED me up, and carried me around like a fucking blowup doll.
Decided to hop outta the pool, and headed to the men's bathroom.
Which was bloody hilarious, I swear. We ended up staying in there longer than we were supposed to.
Both of them left at around 10.30ish, while I came home, and took a niiiice hot shower, before collapsing on my heavenly bed.
27 / 05 / 09.
School has been so uneventful, it's not even funny. Been tryna up my attendance, as my constant abscenties have earned me yet another warning letter.
Came home, and called Za.
He picked me up and we headed to Rasta.
I haven't seen the boy in well over 5months, so it was really good catching up.
After we got sick of Rasta, we headed over to MidValley to play some pool. He whooped my bum real good, I tell you. Even the guys 4 tables away couldn't help but snigger at my pathetic attempts at beating home.
Got home at 7ish, and the thought of going to sleep was so bloody tempting.
Came online, talked to Reza and decided to accompany him on his walk.
The boy is freakishly awesome, I tell you. I'm almost always in stitches when I'm around him. And he supplies me with my constant nicotine craving, which is always a plus in my book. *bigcheesygrin*'s now 11.49pm, and I'm absolutely knackered.
Fran and Khal are coming over tomorrow for yet another fun time in the boys bathroom, and maybe a lil swimming after. Heeheee.
I actually contemplated borrowing a tent from Za, just so we could camp out by the pool, but my better judgment got the better of me, unfortunately.
Now I can't decide if I should go for Aoki or Freedom.
Dy's going for Freedom, and it'd be a tad awkward if I bumped into him there.
Maybe I'll just go party hardy this weekend with some girlfriends, or summat.
Oh, by the way, I LOVE YOU, MON !
First of all - i want your fucking freedom.
I know I've got decent parents that give a shit.
I know I've got a good school and whatnot.
But dude, I want your fucking FREEDOM.
But hey, I LOVE YOU TOO :)
like you wouldn't believe.
Soon as June rolls around I promise we'll hang more.
And you've gotta introduce me to your friends, please?
Hahaha, I only have freedom cos my mam has unofficially disowned me.
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