So, I'm finally gonna sit my ass down, and update yall on the few weeks.
Be happy that my procrastinating tendencies haven't kicked in, or I'll be doing something more productive, like sleeping. Which I am seriously lacking.
06 / 06 / 09.
Headed over to Frans place cos I got sick of shit at home. She wasn't there, and neither were her olds, so Mike and Ryan had the whole house to themselves, and it was a total bachelor mess. Farah, Shannya and Reuben came over, so we all bummed alil before Ryans friend, Hady came. Got dressed and headed over to KL. Ended up sitting at the side of the road, knocking back a few beers and wondering where we could get come hugeass cardboard boxes.
Chilled at MCircle till 1ish, just partying it up. Khal and Khiara came, and I swear to god, Khia's just gorgeous. Sped off to Skybar to see Pasha and Yumi, cos he was leaving for Iran the next day. Had a few drinks before heading back to MCircle, cos Skybar was just too chilled for my liking.
Headed back to Frans at around 2.30, took a shower and jumped into a cab to Pasha's place.
07 / 06 / 09.
Slept for an equivalence of two hours, and did nothing productive all day long. Spent the day watching Family Guy in my oversized tees.
08 / 06 / 09.
Slept for a few hours only to wake up to a note from Fran telling me to keep my evening free as I was to follow her to meet some chick. Headed back to L3 to grab some stuff, and then had dinner at McD's in Mont Kiara. Met up with Charmaine and Andrew, before hopping into the car and going back to the house.
Bummed and talked for abit, then Fran and Ryan went to see Angelo.
Dropped Andrew and Charmaine back home, and on the way over, I realised I had forgotten to put on shoes. It was hilarious, I swear.
Barely slept the entire night, cos we kept coming up with such stupid shit, and laughing ourselves into conciousness.
09 / 06 / 09.
Chilled out all day, and then headed to see Charmaine, Charline and Andrew. Bummed around Mont Kiara before heading to Hartamas. Sat at Square and had a waffles drowned in chocolate syrup, bananas, nuts, ice cream and cookies. Bloody orgasms all over the place. Bumped into Adieb and James before leaving. Charline had left, but her brother wouldn't stop calling Charmaine's phone, so I made the biiiig mistake of picking up;
Me. Charline's brother.
"Um, hello ?"
"*screams in french*"
"Scuse me, it's not -"
"*screams summore in french*"
"OI MAN, it's not Charline ! She's already gone to meet up with you aite ?"
"Oh, er, then who am I speaking with ?"
"Manda, pleasure to meet you."
"I'm gonna kill her."
"Don't do that. Who would you yell at in french ?"
"Oh, I'm gonna skin her, make a jacket out of her, and sell her in Thailand."
"Mm, how attractive."
Shudda seen Frans and Charmaines faces. Met her dad, then headed over to her apartment. Played on the swings, and we oulled a spidermonkey !
10 / 06 / 09.
Slept the whole day through, cos I knew I'd be needing the energy for that night.
Headed to KL at 8ish, and met up with Mon and all for their birthday thingie. Had no bloody idea where I was, so asked Sarah to come get me, as I was getting the rape vibe from everything with a penis. Ran into their arms before heading to this dinky place at the side of the road to shisha.
It was really good catching up with all of them, Sam, Scott, Kieran, Riley, John, some Korean kid, Sarah, Mon, Lyza, Lizzie, Alice and Afzaa, eventhough they were almost completely wasted already.
Headed to Saylon Bar (or whatever it's called) and drank ourselves stupid. Scott and Lyza kept buying me shots, and I swear, I lost count at 5.
After tickling some tonsils, and flashing all of em my stripped undies, I was dared to make out with 3 different people, only ONE of them had a penis.
Stumbled into Cloth & Clef, already completely wasted, and immediately spotted Kraft. Said my hellos to familiar faces and went to find Pixie. Bumped into Zaid, Farid, Adam and so many other people on the way over, and it was so good seeing SuperWeed after almost a year !
Had a beer with Pixie while waiting for me VS.
Them boys freestyles crazy skilled, no joke. I was well impressed. Had a few more drinks before heading over to a friends place.
11 / 06 / 09.
Reached the house at around 3, and slept the afternoon away. Figured it was a good idea to regain some energy after all my funruns.
12 / 06 / 09.
Slept at 3.15am, only to be rudely awoken 15minutes later to get into the shower so we could go to Pudu to pick up Ryans friend, Travis.
Reached Pudu at 4summin, and bummed around like degenerates for almost an hour while waiting for his bus to arrive.
Walked around looking for him, only to get the shock of our lives when he jumped over the barrier and screamed, "Hey !"
Was a lil stunned when I first set eyes on him, cos he was nothing like what I expected him to be.
Recovered enough to go to a nearby mamak and have some goood ol Milo Panas and Winstons.
Talked for awhile before jumping into a cab, and I swear, his gorgeous southern accent is to die for, and he actually says, "Ohmygoodness." I had to stop myself from smiling so much, cos it actually was starting to hurt my face. He was very amused by my Batman tee, so to tickle him abit, I did the actions too. While sitting down at the mamak, there was this ridiculously annoying guy, playing his stupid fucking guitar and his stupid fucking harmonica. I swear to god, nobody should live with such torture.
Jumped into a cab, and headed back to Frans place.
Booked him a room at the Hilton PJ, and jumped into a cab over there. Had to sit in the lobby for almost half an hour, being bullied by him cos there were some technical difficulties with his reservation.
Finally got to the room, and collapsed on the bed. I swear to god, it was so comfy, I almost died on the spot.
After freshening up, Fran dropped us off at the LRT station, and off we went to KLCC.
I was supposed to be his tourguide, but it was as much as an adventure for him as it was for me, seeing as I didn't know what the hell I was doing the entire time on the train.
Got to KLCC in one piece, and walked around aimlessly before heading outside to the fountain. After taking about a million pictures, he decided it was time to do some serious shopping.
Being around such a goodlooking guy, if looks could kill, I'd be deader than a dead person.
Headed into Isetan to get him some cologne, and after being drowned in about 600 different scents, we narrowed it down to two; Ferrari and Davidoff.
Decided on the Davidoff because I don't think it'll ever smell better on anyone.
Oh, did the trannies enjoy that boys presence. His reaction was so adorable, I couldn't help but laugh the entire time.
After getting a pair of flipflops with bottle openers on the sole(!) , and getting a niiice tub of Nutella cos he'd never experienced the wonders of Nutella, we hopped onto the train in hopes of getting to Aloha in time for happy hour.
Decided against it after seeing the jam along the whole stretch, and headed back to the hotel.
Stopped at a nearby mamak, and introduced him to Roti Bom. I can't even begin to tell you how much he loved that diabetes inducing thing.
Walked back to the hotel and chilled. Fran picked me up, and then we headed to see her girl.
Chilled at her place for awhile, thinking that Luqman was coming to get me to head over to MCircle.
Half an hour of waiting later, the bastard texts saying that he made other plans. Was fucking fuming, and vowed never to make plans with him again.
Ryan had already left, and everybody else was already leaving, so I got Rubesh to walk me to OldTown to meet up with the boys at some dinky bar. Sat around, having a few drinks while listening to music that made me miss guitarandharmonicaguy, and that's saying something.
Got a few beers and headed back to the hotel. Talked and laughed, and got shoved into the buttcrack of the two beds countless times, so much so, I just decided to stay in the middle.
I decided it was high time to crack out the Nutella and show Travis what he'd been missing all these years. Loaded a spoonful of Nutella into his mouth, and the look on his face was priceless.
But after minutes of munching on nothing but that, it escaladed into a fucking Nutella fight.
I just threw Nutella at everybody, and after 10minutes, the whole room was covered in chocolate. Ryan actually dragged me by the neck into the bathroom. The beds, the floor, the walls, the bathroom, EVERYTHING was just covered in Nutella.
Filled up the tub and hopped in. Ended up completely crashing at the hotel.
13 / 06 / 09.
Woke up at the buttcrack of dawn, and headed to State for brekkie.
Had a nice chilled out day, cos Fran and Ryan were both sick.
Bummed around the house abit, before getting dressed, and picking Travis up.
Piled into the car, and headed into KL. Walked to a mamak nearby and had some dindin. I made Travis eat Cheese Naan. That's right, rub your tummies, mafakkas.
Ryan tried to get him to order 'Nasi Goreng Pepek.'
Fran and I almost died fucking laughing.
Made our way to Starhill afterwards, for the grand launching of Supafly. We were also on the guestlist for MOS, so we had to leave by 11.
Khal was there too, and kept tryna get my attention but I kept acting like he wasn't there.
Finally got in 40minutes late, and had a few drinks. Booty shook for a lil while before sending the boys off to MOS, decided to head back to MCircle, and it was Justins and Satishs big event, and I figured I owed it to them after all they did for me.
Got stuck in such a bad mafakking jam, and only made it back to MCircle at around 1. Partied my ass off, and booty shook with everybody.
I was taking a breather behind the console with Satish and Kraft when this chick tries to chat me up;
Me. Chick. Satish.
"Hey girl. I saw you on the flo, I swear, you are so fucking hot. *puts hand on my waist. Where you from ?"
"I'm local, babe."
"Scuse me, please step out of the DJ console before security is forced to remove you."
"Why ? She's in here."
"First of all, she's the muthafucken VIP. Secondly, she allllways get the party started, not you. So get the fuck out."
I had to stop myself from laughing, but I did promise her a booty shake after.
Partied with my bwoys till it was time to close up, we then proceeded to have our own lil party.
Them bwoys popped the champagne and popped out the brownies.
Headed out at 4.30ish, and hopped into the car towards the Hilton.
Had a good long talk with my boy on the way over, so much so, we overshot the turning and ended up at Sunway. Sat in the hotel carpark and talked some more before I decided to head upstairs. Threw my arms around my boy, and gave him the manja-est hug I could muster, which made him pull back after he had his fill and say,
"I don't care what they say about you, or what's with the whole big girl front, but underneath all that, yous a lovey dovey mothafucka. I fucken love that."
Said our goodnights, and made my way to 620.
I don't know how much I drank, or if someone slipped me summin, cos I felt really terrible after. Maybe it was just my body telling me I needed some rest. I kept stumbling all over the place, and Travis had to look after me. Fucken passed out 20minutes later.
14 / 06 / 09.
Got Fran to send me to L3 at 10ish, and got ready for Baby Jaeme's baptism. Kept falling asleep throughout mass. Headed to JayaOne after for lunch. Was fucken ravenous, but couldn't bring myself to eat anything. Had to force some food down my throat to please Daddy.
Needed a ciggie really bad, and walked around tryna find a 7E. Instead, I stumbled onto this reptile thingie, where I fell inlove with the pythons. Couldn't help myself, so I picked a Albino up, and wrapped it around myself.
Yalls have no idea how much I wanted to take that home.
Reached L3 at 5ish, and bummed around at home for awhile.
Got a text from all three of my favourite people at once, asking me to get ready so I could go to Bangsar to have a swim with them.
No more than 20minutes later, I was sitting in the backseat of Frans car, with the biggest smile on my face.
Halfway through, the window got stuck, AGAIN. Travis tried to fix it, but ended up pulling the whole damn thing out of the car door.
Got to Yumi's apartment, and headed straight for the pool, which was fucken freezing. For such a nice place, it's got a pretty shitty pool. The minute I stepped out of the water, my lips turned blue. I'm not kidding. Them three wouldn't stop laughing at me, so I'm gonna blame my pneumonia on them.
Had some goood mee goreng at the nearby mamak, and ordered Travis a coconut.
I had so much fun, scraping the flesh out of the coconut and everything, and we sang that song,
"You put the lime in the coconut, you drink it all up.. blablabla."
We actually did put a lime in the coconut, and it tasted so gooood.
Reached L3 at 3ish, and crashed.
15 / 06 / 09.
Dragged my zombie ass out of bed for the first day of school in 3weeks for me. I was so exhausted, I could barely function properly. Slept through the first 5periods, and woke up feeling so much better.
Got home and bummed, turning down all offers to go out.
Travis wanted to spend some time with me before he went to Singapore, so he came over at 8ish.
Sat by the pool till 3am, just talking about our childhoods, and how it was for us growing up in such different places.
I swear, that boy has the most beautiful eyes, and the most gorgeous accent. I just wanna sit somewhere with him, stare into his eyes and listen to him talk, even if it is jbberish. Makes me smile even thinking about it.
Telling him about all the turbulence at L3 made me feel so out of character, but I loved it, with his arms around me and soft kisses every few seconds. Suddenly, he picks me up and steps into the pool. We then proceeded to hijakc the mens bathroom.
Called a cab at 3ish, and went back with a huge grin on my face.
16 / 06 / 09.
Couldn't fucking wake up, so ended up sleeping in till 1summin. Fran calls 20minutes later, and tells me to get dressed. Hopped into the car, and headed to the nearby carwash. After we finished doing up the car, we headed to her campus to grab a bite.
She dropped me off at the LRT station, and I headed all the way to the bus terminal, and sat at the nearby mamak, waiting for Ryan and Travis.
Yup, I actually took the train all the way to Pudu, to see Travis for 10minutes before he headed off to Singapore.
Walked back to the LRT station with Ryan and headed back to my place.
Sat by the pool till 10ish, and had to stifle my giggles when Aunty Siti kept hitting on him.
Crashed at 11.
17 / 06 / 09.
Was supposed to get some cash from my trustfund, but Father refused to give it to me.
Ended up in a screaming match in the car, outside of school. I was literally fucking shaking with rage, that I couldn't breathe proper. The urge to smash his head into the window was overwhelming, but I kept myself calm till I got back to L3.
Talked to Ma, got my money and split. I couldn't stand being in the same vicinity as him any longer.
Needed a way to calm me down, so I walked all the way to the federal highway and flagged a cab to Frans place.
Had the hardest time waking Michael up, cos both Ryan and I wanted some icekacang and cendol. Mmm, tickle my tastebuds.
Got home, and helped to paint the house. Fran came home, and off we went to pick Charz up for dindins at Hartamas. Wolfed down my teppanyaki as I was starving, result of not eating a full meal for over two days.
Had a meeting with Satish about a job for Ryan, and a job for me. So we were in Subang by 9.30. Chilled at the studio with Satish and Alvin.
Reached L3 at 12ish, and crashed.
.. so there you have it.
My god knows how many days worth of updates. I'm honestly sure this won't be the end of it, as I've got a full weekend ahead.
p / s: I don't want you to leave, cos you're not exactly a train or busride away.
I don't wanna like you, cos you'll be gone before the month is over.
When I'm with you, I'm so happy.
When you hold my hand, or kiss my forehead, it makes me wanna go everywhere and anywhere with you.
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