I think today's gonna be a pretty damn good day.
Or that could just be the hormones talking.
Whatever it is, I'm all serene and shit.
*takes deeeeeep breath* wooooooooooooooooooooosa.
Been awhile since my big head bopped along to some tribal hits, and I figured, why not today.
Its pretty much blazing outside, I had a fanfuckingtastic morning, I've got the house to myself, and I've got myself a box of Menthols. Talk about perfect, aye.
No idea what I've got planned for this week, not to mention for the rest of the year.
Did I forget to mention that Jeremy's finally back from Sabah.
Bitching aside, I have to admit I did miss that extremely tall numbnut.
Chinia's gonna be down in a few days, so that's pretty much keeping me alive for now. The neighbours are probably going to sign petitions for our removal after those two weeks, but as far as I'm concerned, they can go choke on cyanide. Last time Chinia was down, we basically bummed everywhere we set foot. Midvalley, OU, and not failing to terrorize hundreds of people while we were at it. People must've thought we were homeless or some shit, cos we barely stayed at home long enough to freaking eat. All we did was chill at Italiannies, smoked, and got pretty damn tipsy slurping Tequila Sunrises. Not forgetting to mention, the waiters paying for our food and drinks. Now, wouldn't it be rude to say no ? (:
Have regained my love for my Orgasmatron. Its fanbloodytastic. And it tickles.
I could use with some Amy made teh o ais. Where's Kane at a time like this ? At school, of course. Then again, al is forgiven, as it it only 10 in the morning.
I'm suddenly feeling restless. And I'm hungry, but everyone knows just how goddamn hopeless I am at working a stove.
Sam said,
"You know, if you ever get married and get your own house, I suggest you get yourself a maid who cooks, cleans and does everything."
"But why would I do that ?"
"Because if you ever tried to do anything that I just mentioned, you'd have to move every week."
"What the hell are you yappering about this time, fool ?!"
"Promise you wont hit me ?"
"Okay, as long as you dont give me a reason to."
"Dammit. Okay, I'm just gonna tell you. You'll probably set the house on fire, or it'll just plainly collapse. So I dont think you should risk that."
"*smack* Asshooooooooooooole."
"You promised not to hit me !"
What an asshole, I tell you. Haha.
I dont know what to do with myself, hell, I'm contemplating going to school, but waking up at 6.40 every morning is not my cup of tea, regardless of the fact that I'm somewhat a morning person. So far, I've tried (and failed miserably) to shuffle. I've tried watching tv, but that just gave me a bloody headache. So I think I'll stick to being a complete and utter bum, who's destined for lung cancer.
Hey you, thanks a fucking bunch.
;; everyone supergirl needs another.
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