Monday, November 17, 2008

Morning. (:
I'm fine, thank you.
I'm watching TV, like I have been for the last two hours. On my round toosh, drinking Yakult.
I'm pretty much still asleep in my head, just the way I like it.
There's nothing for me to do, but sit infront of the TV, and die slowly inside. Heehee.

EVeryone went out last night, leaving me to fend for myself at home. I refused to move, even to pee. Watched Fight Club, and it was fucking amazing. I am officially in love with Tyler Durden. Omg, I swear besides Oceans, I have never loved Brad Pitt more in any other roll.
Over the past few days, I've been watching movie after movie, I watched American Beauty.
It's by far, the weirdest movie I have ever watched in my life, but I adore it. I shall make each and every person I know, watch my movies. Why ? Because I'm awesome.

Melissa and Jeremy are one step closer to being a fullon lesbian couple. Imagine my horror, when I walked in on Jeremy in a face mask. My face mask. My peppermint face mask.It was quite literally a sight for sore eyes. I woke up feeling slightly bummed out, but seeing Jeremy like that really bloody made my day.

Had trouble sleeping last night, so I tried Chello's method, guzzling down bottles of cough medication. It worked, I slept like a baby. It was like 11 something, and that shit is prety good at making me flyyy.
As Pixie says ;
Piow piow ! You dieded dy. Really one. *big cheesy grin.

Okay, we're going out soon, and I have't showered. :D
I didn't shower lastnight either, heeheee.

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