Monday, April 13, 2009

Dude, I suck at left turns.
I bruised my whole fucking left leg today.
But I'm so excited, cos it's board induced injuries.
Still, happy happy boarding :D

I'm so tempted to just call you and ask how you are.
My judgment is so clouded, and honestly, I'm slightly freaked.
Gimme your thoughts, dear nonexistent readers, as I'm pretty fucken confusuled.

Boarded for like 2hours this morning, and then headed to the gym for another hour.
I'm still feeling fucken beat, and I'm bruised.
And no, I didn't go to school.

Momma's on holiday, so I spent the day with the family, all cosy and giggly.
It was fun.
I painted Sam's bra with fabric paint, and it was soooo cute, promise.
Then, seeing how fantastic my artwork was, I painted on of my bras !
On the right cup, it says;
Vote for Pedro.
NO !

On the left cup, it says;
Vote for Tots ! (Momma)
*a drawing of a stick person with CRAZY ASS HAIR*
Mascot of the year.

Sa threw a baby lizard off my windowsill with a hanger.
Shudda seen the damn thing flail about, and it was so funny.

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