Thursday, May 21, 2009

I decided to come home early from school.
Why ?
Cos ain't nothing going down, and staying until the last bell seemed like a hard thing to do.

Heading out with Chelle and Aiman afterwards, hopefully to get inked.

I love Google, and Wikipedia. Eat this, bitches;

Even if homosexuality was considered a sin, there are a lot of other things in the Bible that are considered to be sins as well. The reason people proclaim to be a Christian is because they acknowledge they've sinned and they need help in order to be a better person. Thus, all Christians are unrighteous people, because all Christians commit sins even if they don't commit homosexuality. So according to 1 Corinthians 6:8-10 the unrighteous can't enter heaven. We have a problem if indeed Christians are all unrighteous people and unrighteous people can't enter into heaven. That's where God's grace comes in. Ephesians 2:8-9 says 8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - 9not by works, so that no one can boast. No Christian could ever be perfect or sinless, so God's grace makes up for what we lack.

Jesus was quoted as saying "Let he with no sin cast the first stone." Christians are sinners and because of this should never judge anybody based upon the lifestyle they lead, even if it the lifestyle is questionable. Who is to say one lifestyle is better than another one? Jesus hung out with the prostitutes, thieves, and other various outcasts because He loved them unconditionally even though He didn't agree with the lifestyles they may have chosen. He never told any of them that they were going to hell because of the sins they did. So why should we judge if someone is going to hell? The simple answer is that we shouldn't. Just as the thief on the cross next to Jesus didn't go to hell, neither will a homosexual go to hell.

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