Friday, March 14, 2008

I realised that lately ive been having alot of outbursts at the penispeople.
So here's afreakinnother.

Yes, i get jealous easily.
Big fucking deal.

But then again, there wouldnt be a reason for me to be jealous if you didnt lead me on.
Go ahead, keep bitching. Like im bothered anymore.

I should be able to handle this, with thebestfriend helping me through it. but after a while it gets enough.

i'm sick and tired of all this bullshit. i'm exhausted, trying to deal with all the shit thats been going on. i'm tired of people trying to rip down my confidence when its just fucking building again. doesnt anyone understand the meaning of enough ?

i hate it when people give me that bullshit of me being their only one. no, i'm not in love again.
im just sick of people trying to make me fall in love again.

go ahead, play your stupid game.
just not with me.
go fucking play with yourself.

this is not dedicated to ONE person.
as some idiots would think, i'm in love again.
honestly, only twats think that way.
i'm not.
and no, i dont wanna fucking talk about it.

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