Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mmkay, expect a messily thrown together update. I promised an update, pictures and all, I never said anything about it being tidy. I shall start with Saturday, where Momma's side of the family headed to KL to celebrate Grandma's birthday.
I remember stating in one of my previous posts about how everyone is getting old. This, proving my point.

First off, the view. This is what KL must look like to the colourblind. I personally, would love to spend a day being colourblind. I believe that 60% of the world should be colourblind, as to appreciate the beauty that comes from the art of colour. I love colour, but then again, I dont appreciate it.
Make sense ? No ? Ah, figures. Ramblings of an unstable mind.
Me, Sam & Chinia.
The backseat drivers.

So typical.

Now these, I swear to freakin god, come under the category of the awesomest toys ever. Ya'll know me and my slight obsession with gadjets, no ? Well, these were way cool.

200metres up.

And they were all yellow.

BestBestBestBestBestBestBestBestBestBestBestBest Friend.
Say hello to Bichinia, everybody (:

It was darn purrty up there, no joke. Eventhough the restaurant did revolve, making it quite uncomfortable to walk. I swear, I got so queasy everytime I looked anywhere else but my plate. Result, me throwing up in the extremely cheap looking bathroom. Layout wasn't as nice as I expected it to be. Being a tourist attraction and all, I figured they would at least put a slight effort into making the place look presentable. But no, much to my disgust, which I tried to hide, it was actually quite a crummy place. The food was pretty good, though limited.
I think I complain too damn much. So I'm gonna suck it all in and say nothing more than this;
It was quite an experience, but I don't think I'd go back.
Fair 'nough ? Fo sho.

I'm not willing enough to spend hours on end on this post, mainly because I have bumming to get back to, foreal. So sticking pictures up from Monday, when I went out with Geogy and Kat, are going to be apart of my next post, which I will start on right... about... NOW.

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