Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This has officially reached a new level of perverse.

A ban on alcohol ?
First with the fatwa on Yoga and now this ?
What's to come, I can't help but ask.

I'm pretty much at a loss for words, there is just no way to describe the way I'm feeling right now.
I think that our supposed leaders need to open their eyes and see that banning alcohol or anything of the sort, is not going to help.
What about all the sexual crimes and murder ?
Why not try to curb that before making such stupid decisions.
Yes, I'm fully aware of the saying, "Work your way up."
But this, I'm hella sure is not going to go anywhere.
We are governed by a multiracial party. I know I'm not the only one who feels that we deserve equal rights.
I've heard about this thing, it's called Human Rights.
In a religion, we should be allowed to make our own decisions, harmful as they may be. There may be ways of curbing it, but this is not one of them. It's only going to cause major outbursts, Muslim's and Non's alike.
It's basic human rights, and yet again, we are stripped of that too.

And again I have to say, the world is coming apart at the seams.
And no one seems to be doing anything about it.

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