Friday, January 16, 2009

I think all the people who think Palestine are in the right, are dumbfucks.
Honestly, you people are living under some kind of rock.
Israel drew up a peace treaty, but it does not allow the Palestinians to take advantage of the Gaza Strip. Ugh, Palestinians are so goddamn stupid.

Moving on,
I'm going paintballing with the bestf, and the boys tomorrow, so am totally pissing myself with glee.

Have spent the whole day trying to find the right college for me. You will not believe how hard it is to find a decent college that offers a journalism course.
But if I do wanna do journalism, the course is about three years. I have to do a foundation though. So if I do the foundation, it will take about three years, thus reducing the period of tiem I have to take the course. So basically, all in all, it'll take 4 to 5 years.

I am now beside myself with worry for Lew.

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